Teachers’ use of “consumables”



Consumables are materials intended for one-time use such as workbooks and exercise sheets in which a student records answers. These are materials created and intended for each student to have his or her own copy. Once a student completes the answers, these materials are of no use to another student.

Unless you have permission to copy a consumable, copying, scanning, or printing materials intended for one-time use is strictly prohibited.

Any copying from materials intended for one-time use without permission exposes the person making the copy, the teacher, the school, and the school board to liability for copyright infringement.

This prohibition does not apply to reproducibles. A reproducible is not intended for one-time use, but is sold or provided with the rights holder’s authorization to reproduce it for educational use.

This prohibition does not apply if you have permission to copy a consumable or created the consumable yourself.

Download the Consumables poster here